Every now and then, you want to try something different to get your motocross mojo working again, but how do you do it? Adding an upgrade to your dirt bike is a surefire way to change things up, but if you’ve already done the exhaust and filter move and dialed in your suspension, what can you do? We’ve checked out the latest options to find the most interesting bike upgrades that are sure to get you motivated for the coming season.
Change Your Look With Custom Winyl Wrap
A custom vinyl dirt bike wrap can totally change the look of your bike, with all kinds of colors and styles on offer, you can really make the bike your own and put your own stamp on your bike. Not only that, but a vinyl wrap keeps your bike protected, keeping it factory fresh underneath.
Start the new year with a new look and make your bike a one-of-a-kind with custom dirt bike graphics.
What About New Handlebars?
Some things we just take for granted, and the handlebars your bike came with might just be one of them. The thing is, whether you swap out to get a more forward-leaning position, or something more rolled-back, what can seem like a very small change on the spec sheet can make a big difference to the feel when you ride.
It’s another way to really dial in and upgrade your dirt bike to suit your style, and while not as obvious and new graphics or a trick exhaust, its one you’ll notice every time you get on the bike.

Ever Thought About A New Seat cover?
Something else you probably don’t think about much, a seat cover isn’t glamorous, and it doesn’t make the bike perform better. But if you want to get an idea of how important they are, take a look at bikes in the pits at any race, and you won’t find a stock seat cover anywhere.
If you find yourself sliding back under hard acceleration, its time to look for a new dirt bike seat cover, and there are lots of options. Get one to blend in with your new graphics for a clean look, and with the extra grip you feel more secure on the bike and as a bonus, that can make you faster too.
Try Adding Hour Meter
Maintenance is key to enjoying your bike for longer, and while an hour meter won’t change your riding experience, it will help you stay on top of those essential tasks. Any engine, but especially if you’ve done some upgrades, needs regular maintenance, usually after a certain number of engine hours. An hour meter tells you exactly how long the engine has been running, so you can replace parts as required.
HAND GUARDS Will Keep you and your Bike Safe
Whether you need full handguards for racing or a pair of bark busters for riding on the trails, handguards protect you and the bike, and make a great upgrade for your dirt bike and riding experience. That protection can make you more confident too, and let you relax and enjoy your riding more.
Changing Foot Pegs Is Good Idea
Like the bike seat cover, how much attention do any of us pay to our foot pegs? Yet they can make a difference to howe the bike feels and how you ride. Stop foot pegs are OK for a while, especially if its your first bike, but like everything on a production bike, they are made to a price. They wear quickly, and that is a problem.
When foot pegs wear, they can become shiny and slippery, leaving you without the solid positioning you need to ride with confidence. New foot pegs can make a big difference, with exotic materials such as Titanium offering higher levels of grip, but also looking cool too.
Pivot Levers
Nobody wants to take a tumble, but eventually we all do. Pivot levers fold backwards if they hit something, so when you do eventually have a fall, you won’t have to worry about getting new levers. It’s a simple thing, but if you have ever been stuck on a trail with a long walk back because your clutch lever snapped off, you know just why pivot levers are a good addition to your bike.
A Good Dirt Bike STand
You love riding, but you love tinkering too. When it comes time to fit those upgrades, having a strong, easy to use stand makes it much easier to work on your bike. Its safer as well, So you can fit more upgrades and spend more time with your bike!
It’s not always Just About Performance
When it comes to upgrades, its easy to get into the habit of just thinking about performance. Better tires, freer flowing exhaust and air filter and so on, all so you can get some extra speed, and they definitely make riding more fun. But that is not the only way to make your biking better. Making sure your bike looks great can give you a boost and motivate you to get out there and ride.
Improve the contact points, from handlebars and foot pegs to your seat cover, and you won’t go faster, but you will enjoy your biking more. Tools like an hour meter make it easier to keep your maintenance up to date, and a stand makes working on your bike easier. That doesn’t improve performance on the bike, but it takes hassle out of keeping your bike ready to go, and that matters too. Enjoying your bike is more than just being on it, its keeping it well-maintained and everything else that goes with it, and these upgrades can do that and much more.
Upgrades don’t always have to be ‘the best’ at something, great upgrades can just make things easier for you, add something to your ride, or are just things you like. One popular upgrade these days is color matched lines for brakes and clutch, and if you are getting a custom dirt bike wrap to change your bike’s look, they can be a nice finishing touch. Do they make the bike better? Probably not, but when you see your bike with every detail sorted like that, you still want to ride it more.