What breaks first? Keep an eye on these dirt bike parts

Dirt bikes are supposed to withstand even the roughest conditions and toughest trails. If you have made such an important investment, you surely expect your ride to last for ages. However, if you throw it in mud, dirt and everything in between, that’s a lot to take even for the toughest track monsters. This is where a regular maintenance and checkups come in to save you from quite large headaches (read: expenses). If you keep an eye on these dirt bike parts, it is almost guaranteed to support the wellbeing of your dirt bike.

The general rule of thumb states that most dirt bikes will last from 3 to 5 years, or about 600 hours of riding. If you take a good care of the bike and keep an eye on the most crucial and weared-out parts, it will run way longer than that. It is said that some bikes can last even up to 50 years with long-term maintenances and rebuilds. Taking all of this in account, here is a to-do list to make your dirt bike last through the sickest conditions out there. 

We all know the feeling when you have finally found the one. Whether it comes to a beautiful lady cheering for you in the crowd, highly desired career opportunity or your trustworthy dirt bike. Once you have used to your dirt monster and all it’s flaws and advantages, it can be hard to imagine riding anything else. That’s why taking a good care of it will prevent all the unexpected breakdowns. Some people think that getting a more fancy ride will give them a huge bang for their buck. Sure, it is common that more expensive dirt bikes last longer than cheaper ones. That is due to a higher quality bike parts and materials that are used in the manufacturing process. However, if you notice that your ride breaks down after a year or two, it might be your own fault. Maybe your riding habits are worth giving a thought?

Healthy habits for your dirt bike

Try scheduling a dirt bike maintenance at the end or beginning of every riding season. This will guarantee that your ride is in the best possible shape and ready to shred the dirt for the next upcoming months. Wash your dirt bike and lubricate the chain and cables after every ride. That way you can clean all the dirt and particles that can potentially get stuck in the bike’s components. This muddy buildup can cause corrosion and impact the performance of your ride. Also check or replace the air filter if needed, look for fluid leaks, check oil and coolant levels. 

Pay Attention to These Bike Parts

Engine. This is the heart of your ride so take a good care of it. The engine usually lasts from one to five years. Sometimes even more but only if you have followed the maintenance schedule religiously.

Tires. This comes without saying, tires wear out pretty quickly. The standard lifespan is 2 to 3 years. Sure, some of the hardcore riders swap them even after a few months. As for us the favourites are Michelin Starcross 5 

Chain. To make sure everything is in order, replace the chain after a few months or 10 to 30 riding hours as well. 

Clutch. A sure-tell signal to change the clutch is noticing that it starts slipping. That usually happens after every 30,000 miles. However, check what your bike manufacturer recommends to make sure everything runs safe and sound.

Fluid levels and condition. The dumbest reason why a bike can get a long-term damage is running out of any kind of fluids. Don’t be that guy – change the gas, oil, coolant, brake fluid, transmission oil and others as often as possible.

Battery. This explains why the lifespan of a dirt bike is 3 to 5 years. That is how long a battery tends to last. Many people tend to move on a newer dirt bike model when the battery runs out. However, you can stick with the same ride as long as you replace the battery within this time frame.

Plastics. As we have mentioned before, getting a solid dirt bike graphics kit is a solid guarantee to keep the plastics protected. Here at OMX, we print our MX graphics on 21MIL thick material which is made to last for years. The only reason to change the graphics might be switching to a brand new visual indentity. And when you have such a large selection of designs like we do here on OMX, swaping your dirt bike graphics every year becomes a true addiction.

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